Vitality journey


  • Unlock the vitality of teams to help them achieve their mission
  • Learn to manage your vitality using your five senses 
  • Recharge at the right time to withstand the ups and downs of professional and personal life

Work areas:

Identify and circulate energy
Feel different states of energy in the body (calm vs. excitement, tiredness vs. vitality, blockage vs. flow, etc.) to get to know yourself better

A good start
Good vitalizing practices in the morning to draw vital energy from its source and get the day off to a good start

Channel your energy and learn how to maintain it
Self-manage your emotions and vitality, restore your inner space to recharge your energy and spread it around you

Joy, the driving force behind vitality
Energy rituals to practise regularly to maintain joy and openness to others

Discover other programmes


Amplifying resilience to cope with change

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Opening up your perspectives to become a problem-solver

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Strengthening interpersonal relations to turn diversity into an asset

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Coping better with periods of transition and reducing people’s eco-anxiety

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