
specific objectives of this programme:

  • Open up your perspectives to become a problem solver
  • Learn to think outside the box and dare to overcome your fears
  • Transform obstacles and difficulties into inspiring opportunities that benefit the team


Becoming aware of creative self
Creating space within yourself and putting your mind at rest; becoming aware of your creative resources

Creative stimulation of the team
Creating the conditions to activate the links within the group; fertilising the creative process; bringing solutions to the surface and gaining perspective; welcoming the ideas of others with openness

Implementing the creative process on a daily basis          Bringing innovative ideas to fruition; nurturing a more ambitious project

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Amplifying resilience to cope with change

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Boosting the vitality of teams to help them achieve their missions

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Strengthening interpersonal relations to turn diversity into an asset

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Coping better with periods of transition and reducing people’s eco-anxiety

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